Joint mobilization is the most common treatment modality at Wilhelm’s Manual Osteopathy. It is a hands-on technique where the manual osteopath provides a gentle force directly to a joint/vertebrae. This force will mobilize the joint and/or vertebra(e) and promote blood flow to the region. A common location where patients experience chronic pain is in the lower back, and in the upper traps/neck regions, often because of upper-crossed syndrome, a condition deriving from improper posture.

There are many reasons for discomfort or pain in the spinal vertebrae. A prominent cause is pressure along the nerve exiting via the intervertebral foramina. Through joint mobilization, pressure can be relieved from that point and promote proper nerve function.
Joint mobilization performed by a manual osteopath can be compared to manipulation performed by a chiropractor, however, they are different methods of treatment. A manipulation is considered a grade V mobilization. In North America, manual osteopaths, or osteopathic manual practitioners, cannot perform manipulation, as we are qualified to perform a grade IV mobilization. The difference between the two grades is a high-velocity, low-amplitude (HVLA) thrust; this is considered a grade V mobilization. Grade IV mobilization is great for individuals that would prefer a slower application of force with no sudden thrust.